Manuals made for people who don’t want to read them.
Video manuals tailored for each unique product, user or feature-set.

1 in 5
people read the
instructions for products
they purchase
more likely to
watch a video than
download a manual
of people use video
to learn about a product
instead of a manual
would use an
online knowledge base
tailored to their needs

Filter out what doesn’t apply.
Break your video content into building blocks and combine them in different ways for personalized manuals.
Content is more engaging and helpful when it is targeted and relevant to each user.
Highly organized, bite-size content makes it easier for users to find and understand information.
Be part of our pilot program
Interested in trying to create Viduals (video manuals) for your product?
There’s no better way to prove this concept for your company than being part of our pilot program. As part of this program, we will help you plan, organize, and begin the creation of video user manuals for your product.
Even if you ultimately decide not to proceed using Viduals, you will learn to think about instructional video content in a whole new way and learn some creative techniques that are sure to enhance any video guides you create in the future.
Your path to realizing all of the benefits that come with a personalized video user manual start here!
We would love to have a conversation about how you can use Viduals for your product. The limited opportunities in this pilot program will fill up quickly, so call us today to reserve your spot!

When you pair relevant visuals with learning information,
retention levels rise to an impressive 65%.
So video is actually proven to be more memorable.